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Thursday 2 July 2015

The arts


These are the paintings we used in class. Look at the paintings again and comments on the features which you find most important.
  • What do you like most about the painting?
  • If there anything you don't particularly like about it?
  • Would you buy either of them?
  • If so, where in your house would you hang it?

The Card Players

Paul Cézanne

Bathers at Asnières 
Georges Pierre Seurat 

What do you think of this painting? 

What type of painting is it?
If you had the money, would you buy it?
It is called Women of Algiers
, by Pablo Picasso.
Find information about it on the web to know more about it.

Read the following news story. Would you have paid that amount of money for it?


  1. I like the two paintings, about the first, I think it makes reference to old times, where the men were going to the bars to play cards, smoke, have a drink, chat or do business. I would buy the paint and will hang it in my living room.
    Close to the second, I like it because it gives the idea of a typical landscape of summer. I wold buy and will hang it in my office or in a playroom.
    About "Women of Algiers", I don't like it. But I read about it, and I found that the Picasso oil painting is a vibrant, cubist depiction of nude courtesans, and is part of a 15-work series the Spanish artist created in 1954-55 designated with the letters A to O. Apart from that, it's the most expensive painting to sell at auction.

  2. In reference to the first painting, I admire the realism, the author reflects. It´s a kind of a dark picture that I particulary don´t like that much, in reference to the colours, the scene looks so dull to me. In reference to the second one, I love the way the colours were use, how they vanished with eachother, to reach the final shade it has, that amazing watercolour, realy soft and pastel lights. I don´t enjoy the factory can see behind, in contrast to the living nature of the painting.
    No, wouldn´t buy any of them, I do prefer other types of arts.
    The Picasso one, according to my reserch, he had first made a sketch version of the work in 1940 and regularly visited the Louvre specifically to look at Delacroix's canvas.cHere Picasso has again distorted the forms of the woman bodies, like un unreal pissitions and abstract shapes. In relation to that amount of money the telephone buyers reach, I trully believe its invaluble and original, according to the grateness of the painting, but definitively I wouldn´t paid that amount of money, even if I had, I believe there are others beautiful and cheapest masterpieces.

  3. In both painting I like their variety of colors and technique used.
    there isn't anything I don't particularly like about it.

    if I had the money, I would buy The Card Players because it looks like and old photograph and the Bathers at Asnières, it reminds me A clockwork Orange (one of my favorites films).the clothes they use and the scenery are so similar.
    I would hang it in the hall or the living room of my house

    I particularly don't like the Women of Algiers, by Pablo Picasso so I wouldn't buy it although it has become the most expensive painting at a recent auction.
    Diego Flores

  4. well the truth I really liked the work we do in class, what a great time since I have some great partners and the truth was much paint art is not my forte but I really like the paintings I see, in the first I see that the situation is very real for me the colors and paint the state does have things to look at are Real .with respect to the second is seen as less interesting to me but not to say it to my liking, the colors are very pale and if I look gives me as homesickness is as more relaxing is what I see, while in the third it is an art of which is reflected in some walls as it has many colors to attract attention, thatIt is what I see in all three cases. I think if I had to buy would not do as they come in some case expensive but would lose the hope to have some in my living room would give a nice decoration and I visit them I would call attention

  5. Picasso's Women of Algiers, the truth that never paid for a painting like that although it is one of the most sought after paintings in the auction and the people if it does and is one of the most expensive, but I loved the picture

  6. Particularly, these two paintings I don´t like very much, but in general I really like different styles of painting.
    The most important thing about painting, for my, is the way in which a painting can express the feelings of the painter.
    If I had money to buy a painting, I would like to buy a Monet painting, I really like the impressionism. I hang this painting in my living room.
    About the painting of Picasso, is abstract, this is a characteristic of him, her style is abstract.
    I wouldn´t buy this painting because it is not the style that I like
    Laura C. Cantero

  7. Particularly, these two paintings I don´t like very much, but in general I really like different styles of painting.
    The most important thing about painting, for my, is the way in which a painting can express the feelings of the painter.
    If I had money to buy a painting, I would like to buy a Monet painting, I really like the impressionism. I hang this painting in my living room.
    About the painting of Picasso, is abstract, this is a characteristic of him, her style is abstract.
    I would not buy this painting because it is not the style that I like
    Laura C. Cantero

  8. Particularly, these two paintings I don´t like very much, but in general I really like different styles of painting.
    The most important thing about painting, for my, is the way in which a painting can express the feelings of the painter.
    If I had money to buy a painting, I would like to buy a Monet painting, I really like the impressionism. I hang this painting in my living room.
    About the painting of Picasso, is abstract, this is a characteristic of him, her style is abstract.
    I would not buy this painting because it is not the style that I like
    Laura C. Cantero

  9. Particularly, these two paintings I don´t like very much, but in general I really like different styles of painting.
    For me, the most important thing about painting is the way in which a painting can express the feeling of the painter.
    If I had money to buy a painting, I would like to bay a Monet painting, I really like the impressionism.
    About the painting of Picasso, I don´t like. For that reason I wouldn´t buy it.
    Laura C. Cantero

  10. Particularly, these two paintings I don´t like very much, but in general I really like different styles of painting.
    The most important thing about painting, for my, is the way in which a painting can express the feelings of the painter.
    If I had money to buy a painting, I would like to buy a Monet painting, I really like the impressionism. I hang this painting in my living room.
    About the painting of Picasso, is abstract, this is a characteristic of him, her style is abstract.
    I would not buy this painting because it is not the style that I like
    Laura C. Cantero

  11. Particularly, these two paintings I don´t like very much, but in general I really like different styles of painting.
    The most important thing about painting, for my, is the way in which a painting can express the feelings of the painter.
    If I had money to buy a painting, I would like to buy a Monet painting, I really like the impressionism. I hang this painting in my living room.
    About the painting of Picasso, is abstract, this is a characteristic of him, her style is abstract.
    I would not buy this painting because it is not the style that I like
    Laura C. Cantero
