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Wednesday 24 June 2015

Illustrating the difference

Today I came across this picture on my Twitter account. 
Which of these two situations best describes you today?


  1. Today I'm working hard. Since morning I'm studying because I've starting to prepare for final exam so I was summarizing some concept and then I did homework's grammar. Obviously I'm taking some rest and helping in my house too.

  2. Today I'm working hard. Since morning I'm studying because I've starting to prepare for final exam so I was summarizing some concept and then I did homework's grammar. Obviously I'm taking some rest and helping in my house too. Montiel Flavia.

  3. Well done, Flavia! It's hard for many students to be able to cope with everything when the final exams are coming. They hardly ever have any free time left.

  4. These days I'm working hard, because I have many exams and practical works. Apart from studying, I have my work and the tasks of my house, the food, the cleanliness, etc. Unfortunately I can't dedicate a lot of time to the study, I have to sleep fewer hours and I must be with a lot of energy, to be able to do everything.
    These are the reasons for what today I am working hard!

  5. Actually, I am working quite hard because we have a lot of homework and practical works to do. Also, exams are coming, so it is another responsability we have to face nowadays. But there is not another way of dealing with all these things apart from studying and doing all you can do, day after day.
    Daiana B. Corgnali.

  6. Hi! I think that Im not the only one that in this days Im working hard, as a result of the practical works or exams that we have to pass!
    In the other side, my younger brother is participating in a lot of competitions of school and I want to be in all of them!

  7. Hello! Good morning! I feel a point in the middle of these two pictures. I think next week I'll be feeling like the first picture, but now I'm in transit because I've a lot to study but still there's "enough" time to do it. Anyway I try to stay positive.

  8. hello! this week i'ts a little bit stressful because i have to study for some exams that are dfficult to me and apart from that this week exactly i'm "working at home" as "babysitter" of my brother and i have to do the cleaning of the house and that kind of things.

  9. Hi everyone there! I think at this time of the year all of us are studying hard, we have lot of exams, practical works, term exams, but we have to take a break. I think get crazy with study is not a good idea at all. Stay positive! That is my opinion. Good luck and keep going! Cande Castillo...

  10. Oh haha today I did work hard. First in the early morning I had to give a lesson to a boy who always come to my house to learn some English for the school, then I helped my sister in her shoe store, after that I had to cook, and finally I could take a nap, my sacred naps. And well, now I'm just doing English homework, but I would really like to be in my friend's house because of her birthday. I said that I worked hard just because I'm not used to a day like this, my days tend to be calmer.
    Florencia Moretti

  11. Hi! Well If I have to be honest both of them describe me today because even though we have to study for exams and practicl works I feel relax when I sit to study for them and the time passes and passes and I do nothing! so then I realize that Im wasting time and I fall under a crisis and I start studing seriously.

    Paula Rivera

  12. Hello everybody, well, to be honest Today I feel like working hard, because apart of doing homework and studying I help with the housework. The only day that I hardly working is on Sundays, because I spend my time doing my favourite things, like watching movies, meeting friends.

  13. How many interesting ideas you are sharing. I'm glad to see you participating in the discussions more actively. I've got to say I'm working really hard these days: exam preparation, postitulo and other personal things are keeping me more busy than I would like to be - but as some of you have said, there's nothing we can do but work hard! I've hardly played Candy Crush these days, haha...
    Let's keep this going!

  14. Hi everybody.. It's 7 p.m on a nice Saturday afernoon and I'm working! I fell hardly working because there's no to many people around of my work, so I could be at home with my family.
    Although all these days I am trying to work hard because I have to seat for differents assignments, p.w. and same final exams that are really important. I also have to do the housework and take care of my dougthers in sereval things. I feel a bit tire but I have to be possitive and go on with the studies..
    I think that most of us are in the same sittuation. Do you agree?

    I hope all you have a nice weekend! Regars!

    Carolina Corti
