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Sunday 6 May 2018

Your body language shapes who you are

Watch the first segment of the talk and answer the following questions.
Remember you can choose the subtitles you want. If possible, try using English subtitles.
1.       Why do you think Cuddy shows the photos of famous politicians? Note down some ideas and then discuss them with a partner.
2.       What does Cuddy mean by interaction?
a.       Talking to, or doing things with, other people
b.       The way you feel about something that was said
c.       Feeling happy about something you did or said
3.       Cuddy mentions two areas of our lives on which body language can have an effect. What are they?
4.       When Cuddy talks about ‘the other audience’ that is influenced by our nonverbal communication, who does she mean? Discuss with a partner.
Reflecting. Can you think of moments in life where people may judge us based on body language? Note down your ideas and then discuss with a partner.
Watch the next segment of Cuddy’s talk.
6.       Complete the sentence about Cuddy’s main point:
When you pretend to be powerful ……………………………………………………
7.       What do you think people mean when they tell Cuddy that they don’t want to feel like ‘a fraud’ or ‘an impostor’? Note down your answers and then discuss your ideas with a partner.
Watch the final segment of Cuddy’s talk. Then answer the questions.
8.       How did the graduate student feel before she came to talk to Cuddy?
9.       What did Cuddy tell the student to do?
10.   What was the outcome for that student?
11.   During her talk, Cuddy shares many examples of the power of nonverbal communication. Which one was most interesting to you, and why? Share your opinions with your class.


  1. 1.Cuddy beguins her lecture speaking about feeling powerful or weak, and explaining that showing those feelings with corporal attitudes, we can not only feel but also change and ´become´ weak or powerful if we are not so from the very beggining. So she shows photos of politicians, as giving examples of powerful people in different (powerful or weak)attitudes. 2.For Cuddy interaction means talking o doing things with other people. 3.For Cuddy, nonverbal attitudes govern how we think and feel about ourselves, and even make changes into hormones: cortisol and testosterone. 4.[?] 5.Critical thinking: The moments in life where people may judge us based on body language are at work or school, always in social situations. Even when we interact in social media, when we use emoticons, though they don´t say so much about ourselves.6.When you pretend to be powerful, if you are not, you become powerful at the end! You can change. 7.People told Cuddy that they may be afraid to feel an impostor or to feel being at the wrong place if they manipulate their thoughts or feelings only by changing their nonverbal attitudes with such techniques. Final segment: 8. The graduate felt incompetent and unworthy to graduate before she came to Cuddy that day.But 9)Cuddy understood that she will change as well as she had changed herself, and so told her to pretend she was worthy and capable to succeed in class, with amazing results. 10. It was very interesting to me the story of the 2-minutes experiment. It´s very clear that a good attitude and also hormones do a great job about succeeding in life!

  2. 1- Politicians, being very important and mediatic people, are who are exposed continuously, they´re handle or should handle, correctly, the body language. I think that's why it shows photos of famous politicians in different situations and with different expressions and gestures.
    2- Cuddy means, by interaction "talking or doing things with other people”.
    3- The two areas mentioned by Cuddy are: the first, the power and the domain, in which certain attitudes and gestures are present, and the second area is impotence, inferiority, whose gestures are different to those of the first area. In one we become bigger and in the other we become small.
    4- When Cuddy talks about "the other audience" that is influenced by our nonverbal communication I think it refers to ourselves, because we are influenced by our own nonverbal expressions, thoughts and feelings.
    5- CRITICAL THINKING. People can judge us by our body language in a job interview, in an oral presentation, when we lead toward others.
    6- When you pretend to be powerful you are more likely to feel really powerful.
    7- I think they mean they do not want to pretend something they aren´t.
    8- Before talking to Cuddy, she felt she should not be there.
    9- Cuddy told her that she must pretend that she could, that she had to feel powerful and that she was going to get it.
    10- The student pretended that she could do it, as she was told, and she succeeded.
    11- One of the examples that I found interesting is that judgments about the face of political candidates, in a second, can predict 70% of the electoral results.

  3. 1-Cuddy talks about feeling powerful or weak, and explains both of them, so she shows photos of politicians as examples of powerful people who are continually exposed and judged.
    2-Cuddy means by iteraction: talking or doing things with other people.
    3- The two areas mentioned by Cuddy are: the first, the power and dominance and the second area is inferiority. This areas are really different, in the first one you feel confident and powerful and you take more risk it is relationed with testosterone and in the second one, you are shy and feel insecure.
    4-I believe that she is reffering to people who are listening to her, to us, because all of us are influenced by our own nonverbal expressions,thoughts and feelings.
    5-CRITICAL THINKING: I think that we are continually judged by our body language, especially when we try to keep a conversation with someone who feels dominant, or when we go to a job interview, when we give opinions about certain things, also at school and the social media.
    6-When you pretend to be powerful, if you are not, you became powerful in some moment. You can change if you want to.
    8-Before talking to Cuddy, the student felt insecure about herself, she didn´t speak in classes and she felt in the wrong place, like if she shouldn´t be there.
    9/10-Cuddy inmediately understood the student and knew that she was going to change as her, so she told her to start feeling powerful and confident and that she had to do the best comment ever in class. AND SHE DID!! This reflects that if you want a change, you have to do it on your own!
    11-I agree with Irina, one of the examples that I found interesting is that judments about the body language of politicians, can predict 70% of the electoral results.
    Giuliana Petrucci.

  4. 1. I think it's because politicians are people who have power that's why she puts them as an example.
    2. she means:
    to. Talking to, or doing things with, other people.
    b. The way you feel about something that was said.
    3. She says that those two mentioned nonverbal attitudes is that two hormones we have is testosterone and cortisol since the first, the power and the domain, in which certain attitudes and gestures are present, and the second area is impotence, inferiority
    4. When she talks about "the other audience" in my opinion she refers to ourselves since we are influenced to our same nonverbal expressions that we are thinking or doing.
    5. I believe that almost always because it is something very common among us human beings, something as simple as being serious or curled up is because maybe we feel intimated by something and we see it and realize that if we see someone in that way too. or for example when we give an oral lesson in class we do not stand still or stutter and people realize that we are nervous is something natural for us.
    6. When you pretend to be powerful, and maybe you are not, but in the end, if you can, it is your decision to achieve, you can change.
    7. It refers to being an impostor or fraud because when we are interviewed in a meeting we feel that fear sometimes being able to go wrong and thanks to that we can get to give a good immpresion to the audience.
    8. The graduate felt afraid before talking to Cuddy, she felt like a cuddy at first until she said the same thing that she "should not be here".
    9. Cuddy told her that she really should be there! that tomorrow will be powerful, that he will give his class and will give the best comment of all.
    10. The result for that student was exellent gave the best comment.
    11. during all your comment the one that most caught my attention was the part of in an interview as you know when someone is quiet or nervous about their body expressions just to see if you are eating your nails or sitting quietly as in the images. ( Sofia Cruz)
