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Tuesday 17 April 2018

Extra reading activity

Click on the link below and do the activities.
Prepare questions and ideas for a class discussion.

It's all been done before


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  2. I think that these person are not heros but can be examples of courage and determination for do things that we like, for example study in the university or dream job. I think that should spend time or money in production things. But is ok.

  3. I'm agree with the writter that says ...prefer to spend his money on useful things like education, to help people and children as much as posible...or visit diffrent beauty places, where we can learn a lot of thing about people and another culture.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I don't agree, people can do whatever they want with their money.

  4. I think that they are people who likes to explore different places, surely many of them cannot reach the destination they want due to lack of resources or not have energy enough but at the same time is a good choice to spend the time.

  5. Milagros Pérez19 April 2018 at 06:41

    Personally, I partly agree with Rahsan because I think spend money on useful things like education or to build hospitals to help people is better than extreme activities, for example. However, I also think that people may have had their money after a very hard work so they can spend their money in anything like trips or material things unless they trouble people.

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  7. In my opinion, they're wasting their time and money. Maybe they want to prove something or superate their self but Do they think about the risks? First, you have to think of all, then do it. Julia Roldán.

  8. Personally I believed that people can do whatever they want with their money but at the same i think that they have to take in to account the risks on those extreme activities.

    1. I agree with Mile. I think that everybody can do with their money what their want because you work very hard to achieve that money and you deserve to wasted it in whatever you want.!
      Obviously everything in life have risk and you have to take care of that risks.

  9. I agree because all of this people are risking they lives for ridiculed activities but other point of view they tried to live his life in the way they want and independently of the cost what this means.

  10. I believe that spend money in things people need, like education or hospitals it´s a better investment than using it in extreme activities that are a risk for them and others who have to rescue them if something goes wrong but also this people work hard to earn their money, so they can do whatever they want with it. Giuliana Petrucci

  11. in my opinion people can do what they want with their money but I think they should be smarter and invest that money for better causes such as education and health
    Tourne Jackeline

  12. I think that the people should their money in more important things but also they have to think about the risks they could bring. Micaela Nardelli

  13. In my opinion it is admirable,the examples or courage and the determination to do those things what really like .. not all of us enjoy in the same way, some of us prefer spent in studies and other travelling for example but if we are happy doing the things what really like is something good. Cruz Sofia

  14. I really agree with the writer in the last part when he says that they should give the bill to the rescued people, this may be a pity for some people who does this things in a right way and suffers an accident, but if they are doing it in a right way, their chances of having accidents should be minimal, meanwhile, if they are doing this activites,and putting his life on risk just to be "the first (something)" and then also putting in risk the life of others (rescuers for example) then, they really must have to pay everything as a punishment.
    Im still thinking that they are a good examples of courage and determination as long as they dont risk their lifes for an "achievement" or a title as "the first person to climb mount everest without equipment"

    1. In my opinion, rescuers are often great examples of heroism,courage and determination, really!

  15. I think that people should spend their money on more important things like education health, etc.
    Same everyone can spend their money on whatever they want.

  16. I think that people can do whatever they want with their money,and it's amazaing that they could spend it doing trips like that but if they want to do extraordinary things lets say,they have to prepare themselves instead to put in risk the other's people life and be conscious of the situatuon.

  17. I believe that people can do whatever they want with their money but is not necessary put the life of the other people in risk. Ivan Paduan

  18. i personally agree wtih Rashaan because he thinks about spending money on something useful and not material things.

  19. i personally agree with Rashaan because he thinks about spending money on something useful and not material things

  20. I think that people can spend their money as they want but they should be more aware and spend it on more important things like health, education, among others.
    Zalazar Magali.

  21. I’ve been reading your opinions and I must say I find them very interesting. Some of you have focused your attention on the way people can spend their money as they wish. However, I think one the main points of the article is related to how egocentric sometimes human being are by wanting to the first, the fastest, the most successful, etc. At the same time, it is evident from what the writer expresses to see how expensive it is to rescue people who decide to go on dangerous expeditions without the right preparation or knowledge of the risks involved. Anyway, it is really interesting to see you exchanging ideas in this blog.
    Keep doing it! Well done.
    We’ll discuss some of these ideas in our class during the week.

  22. I think that they are people with much courage and determination but that risking his life and that of others just to get to a headline in a newspaper which should pay life insurance before making an activity risk extreme think it very well. I think also that it is better to spend money on something you really need like hospitals, public schools and not on people who risk to be someone or be recognized as a hero.

  23. I partly agree with the writer because some people are a bit silly to go and do extreme activity that are not really sure and then suffers an accident and the government spend a lot of money to save them. This money could be spend in another importan thing, but obviously that people do not think about that because they only want to be recognized to be the first, the fastest and more. Anyway, we are all free to do what we want. Ornela Zorzon.

  24. It´s a pity to put our lifes on a serious risk for the sake of fun, adventure or popularity. Really madness. A good article.

  25. I believe that people are aware of what and how to spend their money, although I don't rule out that many people waste it.

  26. I don't understand why people put their lives and others at risk to do something very silly. I agree with Linda Baxter about giving the bills to those who need to be rescued, insted of giving it to the government. Milena Gianinetti

  27. Many people put their life in danger because they want a big adventure, but this is not all, they not only expose their lifes, but also, the rescuuers' too. Also the government spend lot of money, time and resourses.

    Teresita Bueno
