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Monday 18 April 2016

Eat your heart out!

Here is the link to the article you must read for homework:


This time I am inviting you to take a look at webpage which shows what people from different parts of the world eat on a typical day.

Click here to have access to the article.

Which of them do you identify with?
Share your views


  1. I identify with Tiffany and Maria, during the week in my house the menu consist on healthy food but at the weekend we can relax a little bit more so we eat some junk food.

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  3. Well, i found quiet interesting Katherine's style of eating. i definitely identify with her because i eat meat,chips,fruits and sweet things too. It's a kind of healthy life but with exceptions haha!

  4. I identify with Katherine because my daily diet contein plates prepared with vegetables, meat, chicken, cheese, fruits, etc. But sometimes I drink coffee and I eat sweets.

  5. Barbara Gorosito20 April 2016 at 12:11

    i identify with Marriel Booth, perhaps that is not exactly the amount of calories that i consume every day, but is similar. In january i had a serious injury in my back and the doctor recomended me do a diet rich in vitamins and proteins. So i eat vegetables, fruit and do exercise every day to feel better! Lose weith and eat healthy is fantastic, help you feel better with yourself!

  6. I think that the amount of calories from one country to another it's really different and looks unbalanced in most of the pictures. I identify with Katherine not exactly because of the food but for the amount that i see on her plates.

  7. Very interesting comments. I would say I quite agree with most of you. After all, it is very difficult not give in and eat something we adore at weekends, at least. We all deserve a treat now and then.

  8. i identify with Munna Kailash if we talk about calories but i like different kind of food even if healthy or not but the way

  9. Gabriel Malagueño21 April 2016 at 09:57

    I identify with Saleh Fadlallah and his Egyptian diet, because are small portions and a variety of meals. I disagree with him about the drinks because I drink water the most of the time, only at weekends sometimes I go out for a fizzy drink.

  10. I identify with Katherine, I usually eat everything, occasionally a chocolate or chips; my weakness. But also I try to take care of my health, I usually go walking or cycling to be healthy.

  11. I identify with katherine's daily diet, with the difference that I try to include more fruits and vegetables.

  12. I identify with Katherine because I eat a lot of kinds of things, such as fruits, vegetables, meat, milk, cheese, chicken, sweets, and a variety of others things. I don’t drink fizzy drinks, only water. And of course, at the weekends I eat a bit more than during the week, but all the time I try to take care of my health.

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  14. I feel no complety identified by none of them but i´d say that Tiffany has the most similar eating habit like me ´cuse it seems that she likes the "fast food" or "junk food" and that kind of food like me.

  15. I mostly indentify with Katherine, she has a varied alimentation like me, except for the cookies, I'm not used to eat many of them. I drink fizzy drinks everyday, although I'm trying to change that, to water, because my dentist recomend me.

  16. I identify with Katherine because It consumes all kinds of foods such as meats, fruits, chiken, rice, sweet.
    I also drink water and juices, I don´t drink any alcohol.

  17. Sometime ago i used to have katherine´s habbit. I like so much eating rice or fideos every day but now i´m getting used to eat more vegetables or salads with some piece of meat or chicken, ad trying to avoid carbohydrates.
    Sometimes, in the middle of the week or at weekends i would like to have tiffany´s habbit, eat a hamburguer, chips and for dessert a big ice cram is a very very good idea :)

  18. I completely feel identified with katherine,because she eats a lot of diferents food (like vegetables,meat,juice and even sweets and biscuits) and I'm just like her. I love sweets haha but I also like vegetables and healthy life.

  19. I feel identify with Katherine´s diet because my diet is based on fast food and apart from that I love any kind of biscuits and different kind of desserts, specially cakes, but the different between my diet and hers is that I consume less calories than her.

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  21. Well I think this is an interesting article, because we can see how people eat and care about their health around the world. I can tell you that I eat healthy food like vegetables and fruits and a little of meat and I drink a lot of water. But I do not a vegetarian so I sometimes eat unhealthy food like ice-cream or chocolate cake. I can say that I feel identify with Ahmed Ahmed Swaid and maybe Katherine Navas.

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  23. I feel identified with Katherine`s diet, because my diet is similar, except on the juice,i always drink water when i`m eating, however, when i have dinner with some friends, sometimes i drink a fernet, or a wine! :)

  24. I feel a little identified with Dhaka from Bangladesh, that's because i don't eat too much but I try to eat healthy food. Maybe I would add some tea and much more water to represent my diet.

  25. Agustina Maglier23 April 2016 at 00:07

    The diet which looks most similar to my own is Katherine's one because I like all kinds of food so I eat healthy things as fruits, vegetables and dairy products but I also like eating junk food and sweets. I eat meat too because I like it very much and I think it's necessary for the body to have unless a bit of it. I drink a lot of water but I also like fizzy driks, juice, tea and coffee.

    1. Agustina Maglier23 April 2016 at 00:08

      The diet which looks most similar to my own is Katherine's one because I like all kinds of food so I eat healthy things as fruits, vegetables and dairy products but I also like eating junk food and sweets. I eat meat too because I like it very much and I think it's necessary for the body to have unless a bit of it. I drink a lot of water but I also like fizzy drinks, juice, tea and coffee.

  26. Fabricio Fiameni23 April 2016 at 11:29

    I feel identified with Tiffany because I like eating fast food like hamburguers, chips, pizza, ice cream, etc. But also I'm trying to get used to eat more vegetables and fruit because they are healthier

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  28. I feel identified with katherine's diet because she eats different food and me too.I like fast food and heathly food as vegetales, fruit, meats and I hardly ever eat sweets.

  29. I love eating healthily because makes me feel good with my body. However, I enjoy eating fast food too. If you asked me which is my favourite food I definitely would say hamburgers. That's way I feel identified with Katherine's diet. Although I eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, on weekends I always eat a hamburguer or another kind of fast food. I think that if we eat healthy food most of the days during the week, is not something wrong to eat some junk food on weekend.

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  31. Very interesting article!! I know the food of the american soldier Curtis becouse I use to eat in some military exercises but it is no usual in a normal day.the food of the astronaut is similar. its amazing the difference of diets in the world, not only in quality but also in quantity.

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  33. Giuliana Vittori25 April 2016 at 06:58

    well, I feel identify with Katherine's diet because I love eating fast food and sweets, but I'm trying to get used to eating healthy food and drink more water.

    1. I should eat heathily too. My doctor recommended me to avoid eating a lot of flour. I also should avoid anything fried because I have gastritis. However, I sometimes get tempted. Another thing I should avoid is mate, but that's very difficult for me as I love having mates with my friends. Obviously I shouldn't drink alcohol, but at weekends I do it.

  34. Bregant Daiana
    Of course that Tiffany whitehead have is the best diet I thinks but i would like to eat something different like Ahmed Swaid. Why not?

  35. In mi opinion Katherine's diet is the most similar to my own because is very complete. It has junk food and healthy food. I really like fruits and vegetables, but sometimes I like eating junk food too.
    I always drink much water and tea too, but not some much fizzy driks

  36. I identify with katherine's diet because I like eating healthy food for example a lot of vegetables and fruit.

    1. It is great to eat healthy food but sometimes you don't have enough time to prepare that kind of food, so fast food is the first we take
      also vegetables and fruits are getting more expensive every day

    2. It is true that some items of food are getting really expensive these days. For that reason, we must use our imaginations and creativity so as not to give up our healthy eating habits and still eat things we like.

  37. I feel identify with Katherine's diet because she eats different kinds of food. I have a variety diet with fruits, meet, carbohydrates. I don't like vegetables very much, but I try to include it in my diet. I drink a lot of water everyday. At the weekends I drink some beer, but just at the weekends.

    1. Agustina Maglier26 April 2016 at 11:45

      I drink alcohol at weekends too. In my opinion it's okay to do that, especially when you're with your friends!

  38. I identify with Katherine Navas's diet because I have tea and biscuits for breakfast, then for lunch I prefer to eat meat and a salad with a glass of water. Some snacks for the rest of the day and something not too heavy for the night. I think that most students prefers to eat fast food.

  39. I feel identified with Solange Da Silva Correia, from Amazonas, Brazil. I think her diet consists of lots of vegetables, bread, fruit, rice, etc. That's what I can see on her picture. I'm a vegetarian and even thought I enjoy eating vegetables I have a lot of pasta every day too.. If you're a vegetarian you have to be very careful on what you eat because if you don't have enough proteins, iron and vitamin B12 it could be dangerous for yout health. I have tendency to lose weight too, so I have to be very careful and try to eat larger portions. I love homemade meals, I enjoy cooking, especially desserts, I love them! I love making cakes and I'm mad about chocolates too. My weakness is sugar, candies and desserts :)

  40. This is what Mailén Aguirre wants to say about this:
    " I feel identified with Katherine because I eat a great variaty of food. I like having a well-balanced diet."
