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Monday 21 April 2014

Welcome to this blog! This space was created to provide you with an opportunity to keep on learning English outside the classroom. To begin with, we can star by sharing some information about ourselves. I will take the lead and then it's your turn to do so.


  1. My name is Juan Carlos and I've been an English teacher for more than 16 years now. I come from San Francisco, Córdoba but I’ve been living in Reconquista since 1997. I’m married and I’ve got one son and four pets – two dogs and two cats.
    I’m a football freak and my favourite team is River Plate. As you have seen, I love pets and spending time with my family, especially at the weekend. I’m a passionate reader of both English and Spanish books but I’ve no idea whatsoever about mechanics and fishing.

  2. My name is Melani Docteur, and I´m from a small town called Hardy, but now I´m living in Reconquista.
    I started studying English when I had 8 years old, and I finished studying at the Instituto Chaqueño de Cultura Inglesa in Resistencia. Last year I did the international exam FCE, and I passed it with Grade C, I was really happy when I got my certificate. I would like to travel to England in the future, because I love this language, and the culture of the country.
    I love pets, I have a dog, a Great Dane, its name is Isaías and it has 5 months, but it is really big and always make me feel that I am not alone.
    I like spend time with my family, so I travel to Hardy on weekends, I meet some friends too, and we always go out.
    In my free time, I read a lot, I love books, I also watch films, I think it is very relaxing. What about you friends? :)

    1. Hello Melani!! Nice to read so many things about you. It seems that you know a great deal of English - passing FCE is huge achievement. This will really help you now and in the future. Congratulations!!

    2. Thank you!! I forgot to tell you that this year I´m going to get ready for the CAE exam! I hope to pass it too!

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  4. hello everybody, my name is Camila Mercado, I'm from Villa Ocampo, it is a beautiful and small city in the north. I'm 17 years old, but in May is my 18 birthday. I finished the secondary school the last year in ISPI 9094 Gral Obligado school. The last year was the best because my school PROMO won the award for the most party-promo.
    Now I'm staying in Reconquista in the week, but the weekends I'm travelling to Ocampo to spend time with my family, my friends and my boyfriend. I love psychology but i cant study the career because it's not here for this year but the secretary said me that the next year the university will have the career. well, I love the history, too. I think that english is important to learn. I like read, listen music, go out and make new friends..And if you need help, you can ask me, I'll help you.. Tell me about you friend! :)

    1. Hello Camila!! Thanks for sharing so much about you with us. It's really interesting to see you have so many interests. I really hope you like studying here until you can make that dream come true. :-)

  5. Hi, my name is Ornela Quintana and I'm 18 years old. I finished the secondary school last year, in the Normal school. After I finished the school, I wanted to study Higiene y Seguridad Laboral, but for different reasons I couldn't do it. That's why I am here studying with you.
    Honestly, it wasn't in my plans to study this, I don't see me as a teacher. However, I will not waste this opportunity. I think that English today is a tool that will open doors to good job opportunities, and this makes me think that maybe, is not so bad after all to study a little more English.
    Well, I really love read, in fact now I'm reading one book of Gabriel Rolon called Encuentros (el lado B del amor) that "speaks" of love but from a scientific point of view. To those who believe in love stories, I do not think you like it, but I really recommend it.
    See you soon

    1. Hello Orne. I'm glad to read that you love reading, too. I hope you like the course you've decided to take at the TTC. Welcome!!

  6. my name is Ginette Parada I am Salta but i'm living in Reconquista two years ago, I started to study English when I was 13 because I always found interesting language, in addition to this preference, my passion is music, I love singing ( I do not sing very well ) but it is my way of expression and it's just part of my being. My expectations for this year are first of all learn everything possible about the language and second meet new people and make friends

    1. Hello Ginette. I love singing, too and I neither do it very well, huhuhu... I hope you like singing in English, too as this would help with English pronunciation in a fun way. Let's keep in touch.

  7. Hi, my name is Franco Romero and i'm 20 years old. i started studied English when i had 6 years old and and i finished it when i had 16 years old in the A.C.I.R institute.
    Also i can say that i love English and and want to learn a lot about this idiom. For more I think that English had a lot of opportunities refering to work, also is a intresting idiom tu study.
    Well i like reading English and Spanish books, listening to music and watching films in English and in Spanish.
    Tell me about you friend.

    1. Hi Franco. It will really help you to do well at TTC if you like watching films and listening to music in English. As well as that, reading is one of the best ways to keep your English alive and learn something new every time you open a book. Remember to use the library which is in Margot's office.

  8. Hi, my name is Franco Enrique and I'm 19 years old. I finished school in 2012. I live in Reconquista.
    I started studying english at the age of 12, when I was in primary school and I finished sixth grade last year. I have to choose between studying to become a translator or to become a teacher, and I decided to become a teacher. I hope I become a good professional in the future. I'll do my best to reach it.
    I love music, I play drums and I'm fan of The Beatles. I like to spend time with my friends, with my family, and on my own, especially when I'm reading a book or when I pray. I like to go jogging around the city too.
    I'm a football fan, my favourite team is Boca Juniors, and the england team, Manchester City. I know that it'll sound a little weird but, I want to be a priest in the future. That's all.

    1. Hello Franco. I think it is really interesting to read about someone who has so many interests. By the way, I love The Beatles. Isn't it incredible that after so many years people keep buying their records and younger people like you choose them as well? Nice to hear about you.

  9. Hey guys! My name is Aldana Rojas and I'm 18 years.
    I started my English classes when I was 8 at English Languague Institute here in Reconquista. I spent the most wonderful moments in that academy; Yeah, I know it sounds weird but that's the truth!
    I love read books and fanfictions on internet, and listening to music in english, too!
    It wasn't in my plans do this career but I hadn't much choices, so I decided to take this opportunity to become a proffesional. I would like to go visit the United States someday.
    Well, I think that's all you need to know about me! See you :)

    1. Hi Aldana!! First time we ever discuss something in English, right? I really hope you can a wonderful time here at TTC in the same way you did at the language school. If I were you, I'd star saving up right now to go to the USA. It's a brilliant idea.

  10. Hello! My name is Cecilia Ely, I'm 19 years old and I am from Reconquista. I finished high school last year in the industrial school, as master builder. And I began to study English teacher because I love the language, and even more to teach. I started to study English when I was 12 years old and it seemed very interesting language and culture.
    About my family, I live with my parents and two younger brothers. At home they are very interested in pets, we have two dogs, goldfish and some birds.
    My desire is to train as a teacher, working in a kindergarten and especially ensure that children from small developed a great interest in this language ..

  11. Hello, my name is Denis Tortul, i'm 23 years old. I lived all my life here in Reconquista, i have an older brother and a younger sister. For my part, i learned english playing video games, listening to music and watching movies. i really like horror/gory films, not that i don't watch other types. i have a hard time remembering names, plus i have a bad eyesight, so bare with me. Good luck on this 4 years

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  15. hello my name is Adriana Sotelo, I have 38 years old, I live in Reconquista , completed my studies at the School of Commerce in 1994 , I went to live in Rafaela santa fe where I met who is now my husband lived 14 years where fashion my family I am mother of five kids who love I have three boys and two beautiful women , I have two dogs and my family is very funny imagine not just the guys that I have cahorritos because itty was breast and larger family . since girl studying English I liked much , in my day things were not like now but I always like the truth when I started studying in the faculty of Rafaela as me complicated things and then leave for work when we returned to Reconquista and my kids were larger I decided to start with the teaching of English without knowing that I was gonna find everything changed and if I said time passes but it is never too late to go back to school and demonstrate to my children that when one proposes something you can achieve true cost me much start again but I'm not sorry if sometimes I'm embarrassed by the age and the times I did that already propedeutico cost me everything, but do not lose hope that I can be what I really like even if it costs me ago , well I hope this year I can really be better than the other I have many friends in the truth ttc my age I'm happy to be on the faculty , I like reading and listening to English so I can learn a bit more .... I like the idea of ​​being communicated by this means thank you for giving us so much pleasure and really learn each day more luck to all I am happy so extensive forgiveness

  16. Hello. My name is Micaela Ramirez. I'm 18 years old and i live in Reconquista.
    Well I started with english when i was two years old because i went to a private school. Instituto San Jeronimo. I did ket, pet and first exams and i aprpoved all. I finished high school last year. About my family i have two sisters, and they are my life. We have a good conection. I did roller kating for 8 years. I went to many countries to compete. I love english i would like to be a very good teacher because i trust in me and i love kids. In the future maybe in three years i'm going to UK with Au Pair Experience And Travell to work as a babysitter.
    I'm trust in me so i think i will be able to finish this career

  17. Hello, my name is Pablo Alcaraz. i'm 19 years old. I've born in Corrientes but i live in Reconquista since i was a baby. I finished school 3 years ago. My greates English teachers were Music, movies, and online-gaming.
    I have a small family, i live with my two brothers, i'm the middle one, and my dog "Otto".
    I work as a chef in a "Food house" during the morning and weekends, and in the evening i go to the TTC so i don't really have much free time but when i do i like to read, listening to music (mostly rock and heavy metal), and spend some time with my little brother. On weekends i like to hang out with friends but we don't go to the disco so often.
    I started to study English because my mom was a Math teacher and she allways told me that teaching is a really satisfying profession. And also, my working field is Gastronomy and it's all around the world so the English language is an essencial tool for me.
    Well that's all about me, see you guys.

  18. Hello, My name is Diego Flores. I'm 20 years old and I live in Reconquista since I was born.
    I live with my mother and I'm only child.
    I started studying English when I was 11 at E.F.E academy, I did K.E.T and P.E.T exams there.
    I like Rock music, in my house I have a guitar and percussion' instruments. Sometimes, when I meet with friends, we do some songs we like. I also read in my freetime, I prefer horror books and movies too.
    I love England culture, is one of my dreams go there. So I will make a good use of this years to learn more about it.

  19. hello! my name is camila nuñez, i´m 19 years old and i live in reconquista. i have one sister but she doesn´t live with me and i have one nice and one nephew. my nice is 6 years old and my nephew is 2 years old they are very important for me i really loved them. at the age of 12 i started studying english on a private institute until last year doing the FCE. i´ve finished secondary school last year too and inmmediately i realized that i wanted to study english because is part of my life, i really enjoy speaking english especially when i can communicate with people from other countries and of course i like to teach. i love animals, i have one dog and i live alone. my dad had an accident last month and he died that´s why i´m living alone is very hard for me to accept that he is not with me anymore but he want me to continue study so i´m making an effort to go on with my carrer and being a professional. about my mom she´s married with another man so she never come to see me.. english is my passion i would like to improve my language and being a teacher because i really feel satisfied when i can help others. well that´s all about me see you..!!!

  20. hello my name is Flavia Montiel.I'm 21 years old and I live in Reconquista.Well I started English at EFE Academy when I was 13,honestly my parents made me to started it.Unaffortunatly I have to made fifth again but finally I finshed it last years.I have hope to started this year first but I can affort it.I think TTC'll be not easy for me but I'll made too much effort to finish that carrer.About my family,I have two brothers and two sisters.I like listening music and watch horror and romantic films.So that all.

  21. Hello everyone!! my name's Cecilia Mian, I'm 29 years old and I'm from Reconquista. I have three sisters and one brother, all older than me. I live with my parents, a sister and a nephew. I have a pet parrot called pepa and she talks a lot!
    I learned English in high school, and although I never attended a institute I was always interested to learn more about this language.
    In my free time I like listening to music and reading novels, and I also enjoy spending time chatting with my friends.
    Well, I think that's all for now. I see you!!!

  22. Nidia Victoria Flores23 April 2014 at 21:01

    Hello my name is Victoria. I'm 23 years old and i'm from Reconquista. I started studying English when I was 11 and finished sixth year. And Last year i did the FCE. I really enjoy reading books, listening to music, watching tv shows, films and spending time with my family and friends. I also love animals and i'm a big fan of tennis and hockey. Well, I think that's all about me, see you!

  23. Hello! My name is Nerina. I am 25. I am from Avellaneda. MY city is little and beautiful.
    I love you my family: my father, my mother, my sisters, my brother and my boyfriend.
    I have got a pet. It is a dog. Its name is Tomy.
    In my free time, I usually listen to music, I clean my house, I cook and I study.
    I sometimes go to the center with my boyfriend or my sister. We usually have dinner in family on weekend. We really have fun our.
    The last month I went to Cordoba weth my boyfriend on Hollidays. We visited much beautiful places. We met the montains, scenerys, shoppings, restaurants and we went to theaters, to the cinema and we saw a film.
    We had fun and We really enjoyed It.

  24. hello my name is Paulina Sanchez, I'm 17 years old and live in Reconquista.
    I live with my parents and my brothers and my dog named Pancho.
    in my spare time I like to watch tv, listen to music and be with my friends.
    I chose this career because I like English and opens many job opportunities that would like to take in the future when I receive.
    well I think that's it so I say goodbye bye see you.

  25. Hello everybody! My name is Ailén Bublitz, I'm 18 and I live in Reconquista.
    I have a brother who is younger than me, and I live with him and my mother. I have a dog called Peluca. I love dogs and the most of pets.
    In my free time I like playing the guitar, takign photos and editing them. I like History too. Also I like reading.
    I decided to study English but I don't know exactly if I want to be a teacher. However I'll go on with the course because nowadays the language, English, is very important.

  26. Hello everyone, nice to know a bit more about you!
    My name is Lionel Gonzalez Ulrich, I'm 23 years old and I'm from a small town called La Gallareta, but I live alone in Avellaneda six years ago.
    Last year I got my degree in primary school teacher.
    I began to study English only four years ago while I was at TTC.
    I chose this career because I really like the English, as well as teach.
    I like listening to all kinds of music and watching movies. I prefer comedyor horror movies rather than any of the others.
    I usually travel on weekends to visit my family and friends, and I absolutely love spending time with them.
    Well that's all about me, see you!

  27. hello my name is Maria Cano. i'm 18 years old and i live in reconquista since i was born.
    i starded to stuying English when i was 13 years old,i decided to study this language because in like the songs in english and i wanted to understand what the song said.
    about my family i live with my mum, my dad and my older brother, i have a dog too wich name is toby.
    i love the music and dance..i really enjoy going out! i like spend time with my friends watching tv or listening to music..
    in the future, i hope to be a good teacher although i am not very sure yet!
    that's all about me! bye.. :)

  28. Hello!! My name is Rocio and my age is twenty-ever.. :) I´m a single mom, I have a eigth years old boy. We live with our dog (Mora) and our cat (Bartolo). My mom is an English retired teacher, so she teached me since I was three years old. I studied another subjects before, like economy or administration and I wasn´t so good at those after all. Thats when I find out I realy love English, because I want to teach the language so other people can have the same passion about English as I do. ;)

  29. Hi. My name is yamila baltazar. I´m eighteen years old. I´m live is in reconqusta with my family.I´m the weekends meet with my friends and go to the disco and mani squear. I´m studying in the academy of groin four years ago and now I wanted to study Englishman's professorship becouse I have a base and it is called me very much the attention to learn to speak in another language, but it is difficult to me to understand it q the teacher speaks in the professorship. Because this year in the academy newly we are beginning to speak in English without using the catellano.In spite of the fact that it costs me I am going to give the better thing of my:)

  30. Helo! My name is Lucia Romero i'm 21 years old. I was born in Santa Fe but i grew up in Villa Ocampo and five years ago i am reating in Avellaneda.
    It was only two years ago that i graduated from "Analyst in Business Administration" and decided to start studying the teachers of english to be able to have a second job option.
    About my family,i live with my parents and i am only child. I have a dog called Tea,that is terrible!and weekends usually i'm going to visit them.
    In my free time i like go out with my friends,watching TV,read many books and go to dance(i love dance).
    In reference to the career i find it a challenge and is more difficult and more interesting than i thoght. I hope that we get a nice group and share many things these four years! That is all!

  31. Hi, I'm Loana Galarza, I'm 17 years old. I live in Malabrigo. I finished the secondary school last year.
    I live with my parents and my brother, I'm the eldest. I have two dogs, Canela and Margarita, I love them. About hobbies, I usually spend my time with my friends, I play computers games such as Candy crush. At the weekend I often go to the disco.
    My favourite singer is Ricardo Arjona, I love all his songs.
    And I decided to study English because in the future I would like to travel around the world. :)

  32. Hello! I'm Dalma Di Giovanni, I'm 18 years and I'm from Vera. I finished the Secondary School last year. I live with my parents. I've got two sisters older than me but actually they don't live with me. I've got three dogs! Their names are Wanda, Ciro and Benjamín. I always meet my friends when I have free time, at the weekend! One of my favorite hobbie is to play the guitar and sing along (only when I'm in my bedroom alone).. My favourite band is Oasis, they're from UK :-)
    I've been studying English since I was 11. I finished two years ago and always love the language! I hope to travel to London someday and that's why I want to study more deeply this language! And why not to teach in the future too. :-)

  33. Hello everyone, again! It's been a pleasure to read your comments on this first blog entry. I've learnt so many interesting things about you: about your families, your interests and your ambitions, your pets and your hometowns. I think that sharing is fundamental because we're all learning together and helping each other is going to make things easier and more enjoyable, too. I'm sorry that I haven't been able to reply to each comment but lack of time has been the main obstacle. I'll do my best in the future to reply to those of you I didn't reply this time.
    One suggestion: I think it'd be very useful for all of you to reply to each others' comments as well. You could really benefit from a partner's point of view as well.
    Let's keep working together. Thanks!!!

  34. Hello, my name's Agustina Martinez, I live in avda and I'm 18years old.
    I'm studying English I was 7 anf this year I doing F.C.E in a private institute.
    I love English and I hope travelling around the world and if it's possiblr working or studying in another country too.
    Also, I enjoy study different languages like Italian, for example. I studied it two years.
    On another hand, i like hang on with my friends and spend time wih my family. I really love books and music, too.

    Hope you have a nice day!
